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A training course for flight personnel on a real Falcon 50 jet
Whilst the COVID pandemic has brought commercial aviation to its knees, paradoxically, a much more favourable outlook is emerging for business aviation, which started to see a recovery last summer. There is, therefore, a strong increase in business aviation activity, a sector which AEROCAMPUS wishes to address.
With this in mind, AEROCAMPUS Aquitaine is launching its first « Finest Silver Service Aviation d’Affaires – TOEIC » , a training course dedicated to Business Aviation aimed at flight personnel : a luxury 5***** service with training on a real Falcon 50 jet.
Target : To learn how to manage and to provide VIP service on a private jet, how to prepare for a flight, to prepare the cabin and to master the necessary first aid skills.
Audience :
Flight personnel already active in a commercial aviation company who wish to specialise in Business Aviation.
Holders of the Cabin Crew Attestation (certificate)
Yacht personnel