The Graduates of Grumman Albatross

Tuesday December 13th,
With the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, we awarded the Diplomas and Certificates of Professional Qualification of the 22 learners Adjuster / Assemblers of the training site “Nouvelle Chance” of Biscarrosse aiming to rehabilitate a Grumman Albatross seaplane.
This training camp, carried out by Aérocampus Aquitaine, hosted 36 internships, aged between 19 and 49, throughout the year, in a situation of jobseekers or beneficiaries of the RSA. The latter, divided into three groups of 12, were trained to obtain a certificate of professional qualification (CQPM) as an aeronautical fitter or aeronautical painter. The training took place on the premises of the Museum of Hydraviation for the preliminary training, then in those of the ENAC for the course of the worksite.